A variety of quotes on the topic of Soulmates.

When we deprive ourselves of love, affection, self-respect, we over-compensate that loss with the ego. We scramble to be recognized, acknowledged, wanted, needed; and ultimately drain anything left of us that is authentic. ~ Amy Jalepeno
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Category | Authenticity & Vulnerability Quotes |
Uploaded | January 7, 2018 |

"Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don't mask or deny your vulnerability; it is your greatest asset. Be vulnerable; quake in your boots with it. The new goodness that is coming to you, in the form of people, situations, and things can only come to you when you are vulnerable, i.e. open." ~ Steven Russell
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Category | Authenticity & Vulnerability Quotes |
Uploaded | January 7, 2018 |

"Every emotional response we have is based on our belief about something. Our feelings and emotions come about based upon our interactions with situations, places and things and the resulting belief we form about them." ~ Chris W Metz, The Road Out Of The Abyss
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Category | Beliefs Quotes |
Uploaded | January 7, 2018 |

“The ego is like a fly buzzing around in a beautiful concert hall. You fixate on the fly and forget the concert." ~ The Lazi Yogi
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Category | Ego Quotes |
Uploaded | January 7, 2018 |

“Growth can be achieved by recognizing and overcoming our fears, eventually becoming fearless. It requires work and dedication at first, then a faith you can cross the abyss through this we gain confidence. If we are lucky, we acquire the understanding the abyss is our own creation. It is very easy during life to get caught up in the typical aspirations involving success and material goods. During our quest of this objective we rarely if at all take the time to reflect on what is truly important. Sometimes it takes a fall into the abyss to reflect on our life. I would argue it is only our encounters with the abyss that make us reflect at all.” ~ Chris W Metz, The Road Out Of The Abyss
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Category | Growth Quotes |
Uploaded | January 10, 2018 |

“It is not difficult to see when we concentrate on the bad in our lives we tend to nothing but weeds. This eventually chokes out everything else. To see the beauty in life we must spread seeds of love, compassion, friendship and helpfulness always cultivating and nurturing their growth. nurturing these seeds they become the flowers in our life kept healthy by good memories and a focus on all that is good in our life. Those who continuously cultivate the bad memories of their life by reliving them, talking about them and sharing them often with others, are tending to their weeds.” ~ Chris W Metz, The Road Out Of The Abyss
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Category | Happiness Quotes |
Uploaded | January 13, 2018 |