Unity Or Isolation?

Unity love or isolation loneliness
Getting to unity from isolation The opposite of isolation is unity. It is the bond and loss of boundaries between a mother and her newborn. It is the sense of love and closeness experienced with family during the holidays or a special occasion. It is the timelessness and sense of oneness experienced by two people in love. It is the state of mind experienced by all enlightened humans throughout history. We have all felt examples of this type of unity in our life but unfortunately it erodes away with a growing ego. Love and unity is a natural spiritual state that exist between all things until we start down the path of isolation (see previous post on"Isolation") Unity is a conscious choice If we choose to live a life of love and unity then we must allow our spiritual nature to guide our life. Choosing love and unity i...

Death – Understanding The Soul – Part 4 of 6

Understanding the soul - Death and the experience of death.  History has shown a belief of life after death in many civilizations and cultures. While the nature of those afterlife beliefs differs there is a similar theme to most. While we can't say with certainty what some ancient cultures believed, anthropologist use archaeological evidence of the rituals surrounding death as evidence. In many ancient cultures the dead were buried with personal artifacts indicating some belief in comforting them on the other side. There are text and pictures that have survived through time of ancient civilizations describing the afterlife as a sort of journey. In some cases religions have made death a fearful event based on being judged, after which you either go to heaven or hell. Who wouldn't be fearful in the prospect of spending ...

Uncovering Happiness

happiness is inside, discover it
If happiness is a state of mind, where can we go outside ourselves to find it? We have all read books on many subjects which seem to have a common theme of finding happiness. Most if not all of them highlight the need to know ourselves on a deeper level. In all cases it involves learning new information. This information is presented for one reason, to give us a different perspective. By changing our ideas about something we will start to see things differently. This after all is the key to happiness, because happiness is a state of mind. It does not come from having something, achieving something, retiring, going somewhere or being with someone. It is about finding that happiness inside ourselves. This is where many of us fail. We are looking for something outside ourselves and therefore will never find it because...

Embracing Life By Embracing Death

Death can teach us about life. chriswmetz.com
Have you ever lost something thinking the worst, only to find out it wasn't really lost because you had it all along? Since death is a part of life, if we embrace it fully what can we learn from it? What is the ultimate lesson death will teach us about how we lived our life? We live our life with little to no consciousness of our death. Because of this we miss a big part of what it means to live a physical life.  Imagining the moment of our death we might come to realize a sense of peace we could not fathom during life. When physical life falls away and we leave the body, we leave behind all the drama, pain and fear associated with it. In this split moment the barrier to infinite peace and love is removed or drops away. First and foremost, we would realize we are still alive or the awareness of who we are continue...

Conscious Creation

How do we create anything in our life? What is the true beginning of any final result? Conscious Creation is a continuous process. It is the steady stream of thoughts and actions we have day after day. We are always creating, even in this moment we are creating. Whatever thoughts and actions we pursue in life is an act of creation. It is important to understand however that any action is first proceeded by thought. Seems simple enough, right? So how is it our lives are not always exactly what we want? How did we get here? Whenever we find ourselves under distress for having to deal with a bad situation, we need to reflect. When we find ourselves in a bad situation we usually spend our time feeling sorry for ourselves or blaming others.  Maybe what we should be doing is thinking about the thoughts that led to the r...