Self control lessons

self control
A Lesson in self control. What do we really control in life? It seems we are conditioned from birth to control the world around us, yet we are taught very little about self control. From the moment we are born we struggle to control our body, movements and coordination and this is where much of our self control ends. As life moves on we start trying to control everything external to us or outside of our control. In other words we try to control things which we have no control over. These include situations, relationships and how other people think, etc.. The irony is many people struggle their entire life trying to control what they cannot control. Self control lesson #1 We have no absolute control over the world around us. Yes, we can exert influence over our world and we can also try to control things using the ...

Understanding Consciousness Part 5 Consciousness Energy Levels

Consciousness energy level Understanding the characteristics of each level of consciousness
Consciousness Energy Level As we review a detailed description of each consciousness energy level keep in mind that a person can be at various levels in different aspects of their life. It is the average aggregate of a persons overall consciousness that determines the level they are at. For instance someone may jump between Desire, Anger and Pride and therefore their average level may be Anger. It is not uncommon for someone to relate to many of these states at some time or another in their life, but one of them will tend to dominate our consciousness. Level descriptions Consciousness energy level 20: Shame Shame is a level at which death may be chosen through active suicide or the failure to actively prolong life. Shamed people feel humiliation or a sense of being discredited or of "losing face." They seek to hide...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 4 – Consciousness Levels

Achieving higher consciousness levels
Consciousness Levels We have looked at consciousness in a variety of ways to this point. First from a basic analogy of what consciousness is like, to a general description of levels and what they are like. The last post looked at consciousness from an evolutionary perspective. We are now going to look at more specific consciousness levels. To my knowledge there is only one comprehensive map of consciousness, or list of descriptive consciousness levels. This can be extremely beneficial for giving us a more detailed view of the various levels. As you study these levels you may gain insight into where you stand in your own evolution of consciousness and gain a better understanding in how to move higher. Throughout history the goal of all great religions has concerned itself with techniques and teachings for rising up ...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 3 – Evolutionary Consciousness

Evolutionary consciousness diagram rings of consciousness
Evolutionary Consciousness We have looked at various ways of understanding consciousness in the first and second post in this series. Now we will try to understand consciousness from an evolutionary standpoint. Reviewing evolutionary consciousness will help us better understand how consciousness has developed over time. Evolutionary Consciousness - Instinctual animal tendencies It is easy to forget that man has evolved over many thousands of years. The higher levels of consciousness we experience is a recent advance in our species. We humans have evolved from a primitive beginning rising up from ape like creatures. During this evolution natural selection favored certain characteristics, such as aggression, selfishness, paranoia and fear. These traits were advantageous to survival and procreation. The instinct to...