Soul Quote 4 Rumi

“Don’t you know yet? It is Your Light that
that lights the worlds.” ~ Rumi

Rumi, born in 1207, is one of the worlds great mystical poets. His life is often described as being divided into 2 separate events – the first half a rather conventional existence where he was a book learned University professor, the second half was the work he created after he met what he calls “the beloved”.. perhaps he’s referring to the God of his understanding, perhaps he’s referring to some other deep and sacred shift in his consciousness. He described his writing poetry as “the spontaneous river” because he had never written before and then it just flowed from him endlessly. His inspiration was “a deep friendship with existence, and nonexistence” leaving us unsure about his relationship with God, even though he himself described each human being as “a resemblance of God”…

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