Have you ever walked through a field or in the woods and followed a path that already existed? This would be normal behavior by anyone’s standards. The brain does the same thing by creating neural pathways connecting various regions of the brain.
In a previous house where I lived there was a small wooded section between my backyard and an open field that led to a pond. The first few times I made my way through the thick brush I had to fight my way through carefully avoiding the thorn bushes and weeds full of burs. Gradually I cut through the thicket and through the years a clear path developed. Each time the path was used it served to mat down the grass and weeds creating well-worn trail and easy access to my destination. Once this path was established there was no sense in taking any other way since it required great...
The Source Of Your Anxiety
Anxiety results from Garbage in, garbage out...
How anxiety and the output of your life experience is created by the input of what you allow into your consciousness.
Have you ever wondered where your thoughts come from?
Have you ever wondered why you have anxiety or are scared of certain things?
Have you ever asked yourself why your life is the way it is?
Hopefully you answered yes to one of these questions, otherwise check your pulse, you might be dead...
I had dream the other night that left me with a feeling of anxiety when I awoke. It involved a dog that had taken on a somewhat human persona and it was being mean to me. Wait I take that back, it was being downright nasty. I don't normally have bad dreams so it surprised me when I woke up with a sense of anxiety. I started thinking about how it might have ori...
Understanding The Soul, Creator Laws – Part 3 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Creator Laws
Have you ever wished there was a rulebook, creator laws or instruction manual for life?
Do you ever question what happens to us after physical death?
Have you ever asked yourself why you have had certain experiences in your life?
In the last post Understanding The Soul - Part 2 of 6 We talked about the creation of souls and the attributes that are given to them.
The following is one of the best descriptions of the creator laws of being a creator god (the following is attributed to: (http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2015/04/functioning-as-creator-gods-and-the-universal-laws-of-creating-realities/ ) We do not know with certainty what the karmic laws of free will are but this theory and description of the cause and effect laws makes a lot of sense.
Creator Laws One –...