Life Purpose – A different view

life purpose
Finding life purpose Many start out life with no real conception of a life purpose. In fact most people go through a significant portion of their life wanting only to satisfy their own personal desires. These desires are usually ego driven such as the accumulation of wealth or material possessions, or to rise to a position of power or recognition. This life purpose may also include wanting to satisfy a host of physical bodily desires. Finding purpose in life is something we eventually arrive at when most of those other desires are fulfilled. Once all those other desires are fulfilled people find they are still left with a certain emptiness. In other words, they find out fulfilling all their physical desires did not bring lasting happiness, contentment, satisfaction or sense of fulfillment. How to analyze your life pu...

Life Lessons From The Old

life lessons
What life lessons can older people teach us? The old and elderly are probably the most qualified authority on life lessons. They acquire this knowledge through the perspective of living a full life while looking back at its end. If you are familiar with my Abyss theory of life, you will see this is the clear perspective of having risen to new plateaus while being able to look back on life and the lessons learned at the lower levels. What most people don't realize is all these life lessons involve learning about ourselves, specifically they are lessons in choosing between the ego and spirit. In reviewing many "Top Ten List" of life lessons learned from the elderly I have compiled a list of common advice. The common thread to all this advice is personal truths about our own growth in life. If you examine each more cl...

Neural Pathways – Beating Down A Path In The Brain

neural pathways - beating down a path in the brain
Have you ever walked through a field or in the woods and followed a path that already existed? This would be normal behavior by anyone’s standards. The brain does the same thing by creating neural pathways connecting various regions of the brain. In a previous house where I lived there was a small wooded section between my backyard and an open field that led to a pond. The first few times I made my way through the thick brush I had to fight my way through carefully avoiding the thorn bushes and weeds full of burs. Gradually I cut through the thicket and through the years a clear path developed. Each time the path was used it served to mat down the grass and weeds creating well-worn trail and easy access to my destination. Once this path was established there was no sense in taking any other way since it required great...

Embracing Life By Embracing Death

Death can teach us about life.
Have you ever lost something thinking the worst, only to find out it wasn't really lost because you had it all along? Since death is a part of life, if we embrace it fully what can we learn from it? What is the ultimate lesson death will teach us about how we lived our life? We live our life with little to no consciousness of our death. Because of this we miss a big part of what it means to live a physical life.  Imagining the moment of our death we might come to realize a sense of peace we could not fathom during life. When physical life falls away and we leave the body, we leave behind all the drama, pain and fear associated with it. In this split moment the barrier to infinite peace and love is removed or drops away. First and foremost, we would realize we are still alive or the awareness of who we are continue...