How to deal with our karma
"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." ~ Wayne Dyer
Please click on the following if you have not read "part 1" or "part 2" of this series.
The title of this last post is fitting because we need only concern ourselves with "our own karma." It is a natural tendency for people to fixate on the flaws of other people, (which ironically creates more bad karma,) we rarely turn inward to reflect on our own flaws. This is what our karma is meant to teach us.
In his book "Letting Go" Dr. David R. Hawking answers the following regarding karma:
Question: What if a negative feeling toward someone or a situation persists, despite my intention and effort to let it go? Answer: Sometimes one is more or less forced to surrender to a situation and presume that it’s karmic. With...
Karma part 2 – What Creates Karma ?
What Creates Karma ?
Before we can answer what creates karma we need to first define the types of karma. There are basically three different types of karma:
Good karma
Bad or negative karma
Repeating experiential karma
Note these definitions of "good" or "bad" are accepted "labels" and are not personal judgments. It may be better to define "good" as those actions which lead to less suffering and more happiness, unity and greater spiritual awareness. "Bad" can be defined as that which leads to less happiness and more isolation, pain and suffering. We must remember "bad" action ultimately leads to understanding through pain and suffering, so all karma, whether "good" or "bad" ultimately leads to greater awareness. This is karma's purpose, to teach and bring the soul to a greater awareness and understandin...
Karma Part 1 – What Is Karma ?
What is Karma ?
Everyone is familiar with the term karma. The term is usually used when someone does something mean and then something bad happens to them. We then use a phrase such as “Karma’s a bitch.” Karma however goes much deeper than the misfortune of a not so nice person. It is about one’s actions in life creating a sort of imbalance. Another way to think of karma is as a depository for all our thoughts, judgments, likes, dislikes, intentions and actions in each life. Think of all of these going into a large storage locker (our Akashic record.) As we live each life we must clear out a little bit of that storage locker until all that is left are the items related to love, compassion, unity and peace.
What is karma ? - definition from other sources
Jesus stated it simply as "A man reaps what he sows." The Buddh...
Unity Or Isolation?
Getting to unity from isolation
The opposite of isolation is unity. It is the bond and loss of boundaries between a mother and her newborn. It is the sense of love and closeness experienced with family during the holidays or a special occasion. It is the timelessness and sense of oneness experienced by two people in love. It is the state of mind experienced by all enlightened humans throughout history. We have all felt examples of this type of unity in our life but unfortunately it erodes away with a growing ego. Love and unity is a natural spiritual state that exist between all things until we start down the path of isolation (see previous post on"Isolation")
Unity is a conscious choice
If we choose to live a life of love and unity then we must allow our spiritual nature to guide our life. Choosing love and unity i...
Isolation Or Unity?
From unity to isolation
We have all felt a terribly sense of isolation or loneliness at some point in our lives, but what brings about loneliness? Why do we feel a sense of isolation? Isolation and unity are opposites on a spectrum. We don’t just wake up one morning and feel an overwhelming sense of isolation and loneliness, we get there through a process. The same can be said of feeling connected, unified and loved. Isolation is a natural consequence of becoming more egotistical just as unity is a product of becoming more spiritual.
“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” ~ Mother Teresa
While it is true that some are born into poverty and perhaps abandoned by their parents, most of us have the advantage of living in the most prosperous nation on earth. Here in the United St...
Life Lessons From The Old
What life lessons can older people teach us?
The old and elderly are probably the most qualified authority on life lessons. They acquire this knowledge through the perspective of living a full life while looking back at its end. If you are familiar with my Abyss theory of life, you will see this is the clear perspective of having risen to new plateaus while being able to look back on life and the lessons learned at the lower levels. What most people don't realize is all these life lessons involve learning about ourselves, specifically they are lessons in choosing between the ego and spirit.
In reviewing many "Top Ten List" of life lessons learned from the elderly I have compiled a list of common advice. The common thread to all this advice is personal truths about our own growth in life. If you examine each more cl...
Are you having happy thoughts ?
How can we start to think happy thoughts ?
First, let’s figure out what happy thoughts are. What if you found out your private thoughts and conversations are not private at all; you might be terrified. Suppose your every thought and every conversation through the day was posted on your social media account? Terrifying? Yes, for most people this would be more terrifying then death itself. As a matter of fact many would choose suicide over the consequence of exposing our true thoughts. Yet this example will help to highlight the nature of our thoughts. The truth is many people are thinking thoughts which do not lead to happiness. The truth of this is available for anyone willing to seek it and ponder this social media scenario. No, of course your thoughts will not be broadcast through the internet, but your thoughts an...
Human Experience – Understanding The Soul – Part 6 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Human Experience - Part 6 of 6
In this series we have talked about all aspects of the soul, its attributes, its purpose and its progression. Ok, so now let’s bring it back down to earth to discuss the human experience...
Evolution in the physical phase of human experience is a long process. Souls who have mingled in the physical plane have experienced a great fall. They find themselves in bodies with minds more similar to animals rather than the spiritual beings which they are. Observing our closest relatives in the animal world we see many of those traits remain as part of the human experience. In the animal world we find territorial wars, male or female domination over a group, fighting for the right to mate, fighting for resources, etc..
The soul - Human experience - Animal instincts
Understanding The Soul, Astral Realms – Part 5 of 6
Understanding The Soul, Astral Realms - Part 5 of 6
In this post we discuss the various astral realms, where the soul goes after death and the conditions that determine which realm a soul will go to.
If you haven't done so already please read the previous post on understanding the soul
Understanding The Soul, Introduction Part 1 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Part 2 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Part 3 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Part 4 of 6
Do you ever wonder if there is truth to the heaven and hell concept?
Do you ever wonder why we are unable to see or experience people who have crossed over after death?
Many religions have espoused the concept of heaven and hell. To a great extent this teaching gave many religions a great deal of power. After all, if you believe you get one shot at your final re...
Death – Understanding The Soul – Part 4 of 6
Understanding the soul - Death and the experience of death.
History has shown a belief of life after death in many civilizations and cultures. While the nature of those afterlife beliefs differs there is a similar theme to most. While we can't say with certainty what some ancient cultures believed, anthropologist use archaeological evidence of the rituals surrounding death as evidence. In many ancient cultures the dead were buried with personal artifacts indicating some belief in comforting them on the other side. There are text and pictures that have survived through time of ancient civilizations describing the afterlife as a sort of journey. In some cases religions have made death a fearful event based on being judged, after which you either go to heaven or hell. Who wouldn't be fearful in the prospect of spending ...
Understanding The Soul, Creator Laws – Part 3 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Creator Laws
Have you ever wished there was a rulebook, creator laws or instruction manual for life?
Do you ever question what happens to us after physical death?
Have you ever asked yourself why you have had certain experiences in your life?
In the last post Understanding The Soul - Part 2 of 6 We talked about the creation of souls and the attributes that are given to them.
The following is one of the best descriptions of the creator laws of being a creator god (the following is attributed to: ( ) We do not know with certainty what the karmic laws of free will are but this theory and description of the cause and effect laws makes a lot of sense.
Creator Laws One –...
Understanding The Soul – Part 2 of 6
Understanding The Soul - The purpose of the soul
Have you ever wondered where you came from?
Have you ever wondered why you are here?
Have you ever wondered what you are?
Like all things in life, an awareness of something is the first step to understanding it.
Throughout recorded history man has searched for the origins of his existence. What is the purpose of man's existence, what is the purpose of the soul? Contained within the remains of the oldest civilizations there seems to be some evidence we once knew the answer to this questions. Civilization is much older than what we are taught in school. With the recent discovery of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey dating to 9000 BC (i.e. 11,000 years ago,) we must question the historical view of civilization and what knowledge has been lost through time. There is ample ...
Understanding The Soul – Introduction
Understanding the soul - introduction
Certainly everyone has heard of the soul. If you were brought up with a traditional religious upbringing then you know of it as something that must be saved. The soul however is something that you are. During physical life we don't put much thought into understanding the soul but on the deepest level of our consciousness we can sense our soul. We even use terms like "soul searching" which in a very real sense is an accurate description of looking deep within ourselves. We talk of soul mates or knowing someone on a soul level. We use the term "old soul" to describe someone who is loving, compassionate and wise. Sometimes the love we have for someone comes from deep within our soul.
Knowing the soul allows you to think about continuous growth, not just the growth that occurs in o...
Understanding Consciousness Part 5 Consciousness Energy Levels
Consciousness Energy Level
As we review a detailed description of each consciousness energy level keep in mind that a person can be at various levels in different aspects of their life. It is the average aggregate of a persons overall consciousness that determines the level they are at. For instance someone may jump between Desire, Anger and Pride and therefore their average level may be Anger. It is not uncommon for someone to relate to many of these states at some time or another in their life, but one of them will tend to dominate our consciousness.
Level descriptions
Consciousness energy level 20: Shame
Shame is a level at which death may be chosen through active suicide or the failure to actively prolong life. Shamed people feel humiliation or a sense of being discredited or of "losing face." They seek to hide...
Understanding Consciousness – Part 4 – Consciousness Levels
Consciousness Levels
We have looked at consciousness in a variety of ways to this point. First from a basic analogy of what consciousness is like, to a general description of levels and what they are like. The last post looked at consciousness from an evolutionary perspective. We are now going to look at more specific consciousness levels. To my knowledge there is only one comprehensive map of consciousness, or list of descriptive consciousness levels. This can be extremely beneficial for giving us a more detailed view of the various levels. As you study these levels you may gain insight into where you stand in your own evolution of consciousness and gain a better understanding in how to move higher.
Throughout history the goal of all great religions has concerned itself with techniques and teachings for rising up ...
Understanding Consciousness – Part 3 – Evolutionary Consciousness
Evolutionary Consciousness
We have looked at various ways of understanding consciousness in the first and second post in this series. Now we will try to understand consciousness from an evolutionary standpoint. Reviewing evolutionary consciousness will help us better understand how consciousness has developed over time.
Evolutionary Consciousness - Instinctual animal tendencies
It is easy to forget that man has evolved over many thousands of years. The higher levels of consciousness we experience is a recent advance in our species. We humans have evolved from a primitive beginning rising up from ape like creatures. During this evolution natural selection favored certain characteristics, such as aggression, selfishness, paranoia and fear. These traits were advantageous to survival and procreation. The instinct to...