Our Karma – Karma Part 3

our karma
How to deal with our karma "How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." ~ Wayne Dyer Please click on the following if you have not read "part 1" or "part 2" of this series. The title of this last post is fitting because we need only concern ourselves with "our own karma." It is a natural tendency for people to fixate on the flaws of other people, (which ironically creates more bad karma,) we rarely turn inward to reflect on our own flaws. This is what our karma is meant to teach us. In his book "Letting Go" Dr. David R. Hawking answers the following regarding karma: Question: What if a negative feeling toward someone or a situation persists, despite my intention and effort to let it go? Answer: Sometimes one is more or less forced to surrender to a situation and presume that it’s karmic. With...

Karma part 2 – What Creates Karma ?

what creates karma
What Creates Karma ? Before we can answer what creates karma we need to first define the types of karma. There are basically three different types of karma: Good karma Bad or negative karma Repeating experiential karma Note these definitions of "good" or "bad" are accepted "labels" and are not personal judgments. It may be better to define "good" as those actions which lead to less suffering and more happiness, unity and greater spiritual awareness. "Bad" can be defined as that which leads to less happiness and more isolation, pain and suffering. We must remember "bad" action ultimately leads to understanding through pain and suffering, so all karma, whether "good" or "bad" ultimately leads to greater awareness. This is karma's purpose, to teach and bring the soul to a greater awareness and understandin...

Karma Part 1 – What Is Karma ?

what is karma
What is Karma ? Everyone is familiar with the term karma. The term is usually used when someone does something mean and then something bad happens to them. We then use a phrase such as “Karma’s a bitch.” Karma however goes much deeper than the misfortune of a not so nice person. It is about one’s actions in life creating a sort of imbalance. Another way to think of karma is as a depository for all our thoughts, judgments, likes, dislikes, intentions and actions in each life. Think of all of these going into a large storage locker (our Akashic record.) As we live each life we must clear out a little bit of that storage locker until all that is left are the items related to love, compassion, unity and peace. What is karma ? - definition from other sources Jesus stated it simply as "A man reaps what he sows." The Buddh...

Success Or Happiness? Which Are You Seeking?

happiness or success?
We tend to think of success as happiness, but are they the same thing? Most people think success is synonymous with material wealth and happiness. Certainly material success can lead to happiness especially if it satisfies our basic survival needs. However, material success beyond basic needs produces a happiness that is often short lived, and each success thereafter raises the bar for happiness. For example, one of our first successes may be buying our first new car, but our next car tends to only bring happiness if it is nicer then the first car. We must also admit that a new car only brings true happiness for the first day, week or month after we buy it. The thrill or actual happiness of driving the new car fades quickly, and what happens to that happiness when someone scratches it or dents the door? The same...

Unity Or Isolation?

Unity love or isolation loneliness
Getting to unity from isolation The opposite of isolation is unity. It is the bond and loss of boundaries between a mother and her newborn. It is the sense of love and closeness experienced with family during the holidays or a special occasion. It is the timelessness and sense of oneness experienced by two people in love. It is the state of mind experienced by all enlightened humans throughout history. We have all felt examples of this type of unity in our life but unfortunately it erodes away with a growing ego. Love and unity is a natural spiritual state that exist between all things until we start down the path of isolation (see previous post on"Isolation") Unity is a conscious choice If we choose to live a life of love and unity then we must allow our spiritual nature to guide our life. Choosing love and unity i...

Isolation Or Unity?

Unity love or isolation loneliness
From unity to isolation We have all felt a terribly sense of isolation or loneliness at some point in our lives, but what brings about loneliness? Why do we feel a sense of isolation? Isolation and unity are opposites on a spectrum. We don’t just wake up one morning and feel an overwhelming sense of isolation and loneliness, we get there through a process. The same can be said of feeling connected, unified and loved. Isolation is a natural consequence of becoming more egotistical just as unity is a product of becoming more spiritual. “The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” ~ Mother Teresa While it is true that some are born into poverty and perhaps abandoned by their parents, most of us have the advantage of living in the most prosperous nation on earth. Here in the United St...

Life Purpose – A different view

life purpose
Finding life purpose Many start out life with no real conception of a life purpose. In fact most people go through a significant portion of their life wanting only to satisfy their own personal desires. These desires are usually ego driven such as the accumulation of wealth or material possessions, or to rise to a position of power or recognition. This life purpose may also include wanting to satisfy a host of physical bodily desires. Finding purpose in life is something we eventually arrive at when most of those other desires are fulfilled. Once all those other desires are fulfilled people find they are still left with a certain emptiness. In other words, they find out fulfilling all their physical desires did not bring lasting happiness, contentment, satisfaction or sense of fulfillment. How to analyze your life pu...

Life Lessons From The Old

life lessons
What life lessons can older people teach us? The old and elderly are probably the most qualified authority on life lessons. They acquire this knowledge through the perspective of living a full life while looking back at its end. If you are familiar with my Abyss theory of life, you will see this is the clear perspective of having risen to new plateaus while being able to look back on life and the lessons learned at the lower levels. What most people don't realize is all these life lessons involve learning about ourselves, specifically they are lessons in choosing between the ego and spirit. In reviewing many "Top Ten List" of life lessons learned from the elderly I have compiled a list of common advice. The common thread to all this advice is personal truths about our own growth in life. If you examine each more cl...

Self control lessons

self control
A Lesson in self control. What do we really control in life? It seems we are conditioned from birth to control the world around us, yet we are taught very little about self control. From the moment we are born we struggle to control our body, movements and coordination and this is where much of our self control ends. As life moves on we start trying to control everything external to us or outside of our control. In other words we try to control things which we have no control over. These include situations, relationships and how other people think, etc.. The irony is many people struggle their entire life trying to control what they cannot control. Self control lesson #1 We have no absolute control over the world around us. Yes, we can exert influence over our world and we can also try to control things using the ...

Are you having happy thoughts ?

happy thoughts
How can we start to think happy thoughts ? First, let’s figure out what happy thoughts are. What if you found out your private thoughts and conversations are not private at all; you might be terrified. Suppose your every thought and every conversation through the day was posted on your social media account? Terrifying? Yes, for most people this would be more terrifying then death itself. As a matter of fact many would choose suicide over the consequence of exposing our true thoughts. Yet this example will help to highlight the nature of our thoughts. The truth is many people are thinking thoughts which do not lead to happiness. The truth of this is available for anyone willing to seek it and ponder this social media scenario. No, of course your thoughts will not be broadcast through the internet, but your thoughts an...

Unconditional Love – or – Loving someone like a pet

unconditional love
Loving someone like a pet. To love a pet is a demonstration of unconditional love. First let me clarify the statement of loving someone like a pet, this title can sound either condescending or downright disrespectful. Let me also clarify I am talking about a pet you love, not one that bears the brunt of ones anger and ignorance. Pets are wonderful for providing companionship but they mostly become the object of our affection. In other words, they become an object in which we can express our unconditional love. I have to be very clear about defining the type of pet owner I am referring to. Unfortunately there are some pet owners that seem to have pets to express their frustrations, anger, intolerance and ignorance, or they wish to have control over another creature. Oh these pet owners will show their pets love when...

Neural Pathways – Beating Down A Path In The Brain

neural pathways - beating down a path in the brain
Have you ever walked through a field or in the woods and followed a path that already existed? This would be normal behavior by anyone’s standards. The brain does the same thing by creating neural pathways connecting various regions of the brain. In a previous house where I lived there was a small wooded section between my backyard and an open field that led to a pond. The first few times I made my way through the thick brush I had to fight my way through carefully avoiding the thorn bushes and weeds full of burs. Gradually I cut through the thicket and through the years a clear path developed. Each time the path was used it served to mat down the grass and weeds creating well-worn trail and easy access to my destination. Once this path was established there was no sense in taking any other way since it required great...

The Source Of Your Anxiety

Absorbing information creates anxiety
Anxiety results from Garbage in, garbage out... How anxiety and the output of your life experience is created by the input of what you allow into your consciousness. Have you ever wondered where your thoughts come from? Have you ever wondered why you have anxiety or are scared of certain things? Have you ever asked yourself why your life is the way it is? Hopefully you answered yes to one of these questions, otherwise check your pulse, you might be dead... I had dream the other night that left me with a feeling of anxiety when I awoke. It involved a dog that had taken on a somewhat human persona and it was being mean to me. Wait I take that back, it was being downright nasty. I don't normally have bad dreams so it surprised me when I woke up with a sense of anxiety.  I started thinking about how it might have ori...

Understanding The Soul – Introduction

Understanding the soul - introduction Certainly everyone has heard of the soul. If you were brought up with a traditional religious upbringing then you know of it as something that must be saved. The soul however is something that you are. During physical life we don't put much thought into understanding the soul but on the deepest level of our consciousness we can sense our soul. We even use terms like "soul searching" which in a very real sense is an accurate description of looking deep within ourselves. We talk of soul mates or knowing someone on a soul level. We use the term "old soul" to describe someone who is loving, compassionate and wise. Sometimes the love we have for someone comes from deep within our soul. Knowing the soul allows you to think about continuous growth, not just the growth that occurs in o...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 6 – Summary

Controlling our own emotions
In this six part series we have looked at consciousness in a variety of ways. Many people look at consciousness as being awake without any other thought about it. We don't think of it as something we have control of and in many respects perhaps this is true, because we cannot affect something we don’t know about. This series has been about awareness of consciousness, the second stage in learning. At the lower levels emotions tend to control our experience of consciousness. One way to think about awareness is with a food example. Let’s say all you ate were hot dogs, corn, muffins and milk and that was all you really knew about food. You probably wouldn't think too much about what other foods exist or the range of flavors that are possible, because you wouldn't know about them. As you began to experience other foods, ...

Understanding Consciousness Part 5 Consciousness Energy Levels

Consciousness energy level Understanding the characteristics of each level of consciousness chriswmetz.com
Consciousness Energy Level As we review a detailed description of each consciousness energy level keep in mind that a person can be at various levels in different aspects of their life. It is the average aggregate of a persons overall consciousness that determines the level they are at. For instance someone may jump between Desire, Anger and Pride and therefore their average level may be Anger. It is not uncommon for someone to relate to many of these states at some time or another in their life, but one of them will tend to dominate our consciousness. Level descriptions Consciousness energy level 20: Shame Shame is a level at which death may be chosen through active suicide or the failure to actively prolong life. Shamed people feel humiliation or a sense of being discredited or of "losing face." They seek to hide...