Understanding The Soul, Creator Laws – Part 3 of 6

Understanding The Soul, Creator Laws – Part 3 of 6
Understanding The Soul - Creator Laws Have you ever wished there was a rulebook, creator laws or instruction manual for life? Do you ever question what happens to us after physical death? Have you ever asked yourself why you have had certain experiences in your life? In the last post Understanding The Soul - Part 2 of 6 We talked about the creation of souls and the attributes that are given to them. The following is one of the best descriptions of the creator laws of being a creator god (the following is attributed to: (http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2015/04/functioning-as-creator-gods-and-the-universal-laws-of-creating-realities/ ) We do not know with certainty what the karmic laws of free will are but this theory and description of the cause and effect laws makes a lot of sense. Creator Laws One –...

Understanding The Soul – Part 2 of 6

Understanding The Soul – Part 2 of 6
Understanding The Soul - The purpose of the soul Have you ever wondered where you came from? Have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you ever wondered what you are? Like all things in life, an awareness of something is the first step to understanding it. Throughout recorded history man has searched for the origins of his existence. What is the purpose of man's existence, what is the purpose of the soul? Contained within the remains of the oldest civilizations there seems to be some evidence we once knew the answer to this questions. Civilization is much older than what we are taught in school. With the recent discovery of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey dating to 9000 BC (i.e. 11,000 years ago,) we must question the historical view of civilization and what knowledge has been lost through time. There is ample ...

Understanding The Soul – Introduction

Understanding The Soul – Introduction
Understanding the soul - introduction Certainly everyone has heard of the soul. If you were brought up with a traditional religious upbringing then you know of it as something that must be saved. The soul however is something that you are. During physical life we don't put much thought into understanding the soul but on the deepest level of our consciousness we can sense our soul. We even use terms like "soul searching" which in a very real sense is an accurate description of looking deep within ourselves. We talk of soul mates or knowing someone on a soul level. We use the term "old soul" to describe someone who is loving, compassionate and wise. Sometimes the love we have for someone comes from deep within our soul. Knowing the soul allows you to think about continuous growth, not just the growth that occurs in o...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 6 – Summary

Understanding Consciousness – Part 6 – Summary
In this six part series we have looked at consciousness in a variety of ways. Many people look at consciousness as being awake without any other thought about it. We don't think of it as something we have control of and in many respects perhaps this is true, because we cannot affect something we don’t know about. This series has been about awareness of consciousness, the second stage in learning. At the lower levels emotions tend to control our experience of consciousness. One way to think about awareness is with a food example. Let’s say all you ate were hot dogs, corn, muffins and milk and that was all you really knew about food. You probably wouldn't think too much about what other foods exist or the range of flavors that are possible, because you wouldn't know about them. As you began to experience other foods, ...

Understanding Consciousness Part 5 Consciousness Energy Levels

Understanding Consciousness Part 5 Consciousness Energy Levels
Consciousness Energy Level As we review a detailed description of each consciousness energy level keep in mind that a person can be at various levels in different aspects of their life. It is the average aggregate of a persons overall consciousness that determines the level they are at. For instance someone may jump between Desire, Anger and Pride and therefore their average level may be Anger. It is not uncommon for someone to relate to many of these states at some time or another in their life, but one of them will tend to dominate our consciousness. Level descriptions Consciousness energy level 20: Shame Shame is a level at which death may be chosen through active suicide or the failure to actively prolong life. Shamed people feel humiliation or a sense of being discredited or of "losing face." They seek to hide...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 4 – Consciousness Levels

Understanding Consciousness – Part 4 – Consciousness Levels
Consciousness Levels We have looked at consciousness in a variety of ways to this point. First from a basic analogy of what consciousness is like, to a general description of levels and what they are like. The last post looked at consciousness from an evolutionary perspective. We are now going to look at more specific consciousness levels. To my knowledge there is only one comprehensive map of consciousness, or list of descriptive consciousness levels. This can be extremely beneficial for giving us a more detailed view of the various levels. As you study these levels you may gain insight into where you stand in your own evolution of consciousness and gain a better understanding in how to move higher. Throughout history the goal of all great religions has concerned itself with techniques and teachings for rising up ...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 3 – Evolutionary Consciousness

Understanding Consciousness – Part 3 – Evolutionary Consciousness
Evolutionary Consciousness We have looked at various ways of understanding consciousness in the first and second post in this series. Now we will try to understand consciousness from an evolutionary standpoint. Reviewing evolutionary consciousness will help us better understand how consciousness has developed over time. Evolutionary Consciousness - Instinctual animal tendencies It is easy to forget that man has evolved over many thousands of years. The higher levels of consciousness we experience is a recent advance in our species. We humans have evolved from a primitive beginning rising up from ape like creatures. During this evolution natural selection favored certain characteristics, such as aggression, selfishness, paranoia and fear. These traits were advantageous to survival and procreation. The instinct to...

Understanding Consciousness – Part 2

Understanding Consciousness – Part 2
What are some ways of understanding consciousness? How do we measure it? How can we affect it? Most of us think of consciousness as the opposite of sleeping, in other words, awake. But there are varying degrees of this “awake” state. There are however definable ways of understanding consciousness. Perhaps the easiest way of relating to this is to think of the most difficult person we know, the most intelligent person we know and the most loving person we know. All three of these people provide different ways of understanding consciousness. The difficult person who is hard to get along with is most likely at a lower level. The intelligent person is in the mid-range and believe it or not, the loving person is in the higher range. Consciousness is awareness, an ability to see the interconnectedness of all things, includi...

Understanding Consciousness – Awareness Using An Analogy – Part 1

Understanding Consciousness – Awareness Using An Analogy – Part 1
Another way of looking at consciousness with an analogy on awareness. Consciousness is not something that comes up in conversation too often or ever for that matter. Frankly not many people are interested in the subject. I think we can all agree however, we would like to be happier.  Raising our consciousness is part of uncovering the happiness we already possess. To understand consciousness one must understand awareness. If we are unaware of something how can we possibly know about it or learn more about it. People at lower levels of consciousness struggle a great deal with life because they are unaware. They are typically not very happy and seem to be caught up in the endless drama of life. As people move up into higher levels of consciousness, they become more aware of the world outside themselves. Life seems to ta...

Uncovering Happiness

Uncovering Happiness
If happiness is a state of mind, where can we go outside ourselves to find it? We have all read books on many subjects which seem to have a common theme of finding happiness. Most if not all of them highlight the need to know ourselves on a deeper level. In all cases it involves learning new information. This information is presented for one reason, to give us a different perspective. By changing our ideas about something we will start to see things differently. This after all is the key to happiness, because happiness is a state of mind. It does not come from having something, achieving something, retiring, going somewhere or being with someone. It is about finding that happiness inside ourselves. This is where many of us fail. We are looking for something outside ourselves and therefore will never find it because...

Embracing Life By Embracing Death

Embracing Life By Embracing Death
Have you ever lost something thinking the worst, only to find out it wasn't really lost because you had it all along? Since death is a part of life, if we embrace it fully what can we learn from it? What is the ultimate lesson death will teach us about how we lived our life? We live our life with little to no consciousness of our death. Because of this we miss a big part of what it means to live a physical life.  Imagining the moment of our death we might come to realize a sense of peace we could not fathom during life. When physical life falls away and we leave the body, we leave behind all the drama, pain and fear associated with it. In this split moment the barrier to infinite peace and love is removed or drops away. First and foremost, we would realize we are still alive or the awareness of who we are continue...

Conscious Creation

Conscious Creation
How do we create anything in our life? What is the true beginning of any final result? Conscious Creation is a continuous process. It is the steady stream of thoughts and actions we have day after day. We are always creating, even in this moment we are creating. Whatever thoughts and actions we pursue in life is an act of creation. It is important to understand however that any action is first proceeded by thought. Seems simple enough, right? So how is it our lives are not always exactly what we want? How did we get here? Whenever we find ourselves under distress for having to deal with a bad situation, we need to reflect. When we find ourselves in a bad situation we usually spend our time feeling sorry for ourselves or blaming others.  Maybe what we should be doing is thinking about the thoughts that led to the r...

Seeking The Source Of Truth Inside Yourself

Seeking The Source Of Truth Inside Yourself
There is a great deal of wisdom and truth inside each of us. So, where do we go to find truth? Why are we so ignorant sometimes? Perhaps this is because we tend to only seek information to prove we are right or to make a point. This allows us to feel justified in our feelings, judgments and behaviors. We rarely if ever seek out information to highlight our ignorance or to prove we are wrong. Why would we ever want to validate our ignorance? ⇒ Because ⇐ This is how we gain a higher level of awareness in life. Truth and ignorance abounds in the world. Whether we seek truth or stumble around in ignorance is a matter of personal preference and free will. But wait, doesn't everyone want to know truth? Not necessarily.......suppose that knowing truth exposed the not so good parts of yourself (namely ignorance.) Who w...

Taking The First Step – Hello World!

Taking The First Step – Hello World!
The first step - how do we accomplish anything? Every journey we have ever gone on and every chapter of our life experience started with a "First Step." Sometimes those steps are taken unconsciously, accidentally, inadvertently or they are well thought out and planned. Sometimes there is a great deal of fear associated with taking that first step.  The ego is forever trying to protect us and is fearful of anything new.  Maintaining the status quo is safe and well proven. This is why the ego prefers not to take risk. The ego's desire for the status quo can prevent us from achieving many of our desires in life by making us: Procrastinate - The best way to eliminate risk is to put it off indefinitely. Fearful - What if? I might fail; People might laugh at me; People will think I'm stupid; I don't want to risk m...